Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Global Climate Strike

The Domain, Sydney 

Never underestimate the power of the youth.

A little over a year ago, at the age of 15, Greta Thunberg went on a school climate strike all by herself and began the Fridays For Future movement. This year, the movement went global, mostly organised and led by highschool students. 

It was also great to witness the rally last Friday (20 September) supported and joined by many businesses, community groups and people of all ages. As many as 2,845 businesses and organisations pledged to allow their staff to also strike as a part of the Not Business As Usual campaign by Future Super. The turnout and energy in Sydney alone was unreal.

These students can't vote at elections yet but they do want their voices heard and to advocate for things that matter about their future, i.e. demanding the government for greater action on climate change. In Australia, strikers demanded: 

  • No new coal, oil and gas projects, including Adani's mine. 
  • 100% renewable energy generation and exports by 2030.
  • A just transition and job creation for all fossil-fuel workers and communities. 

Afterall, the consequences of climate change such as warming temperatures, extreme weather events and rising sea levels are going to be copped mostly by future generations.

So grateful that I live in a democratic society that I'm able to exercise my freedom of assembly and human right to protest. Some may argue and suggest students to strike on weekends. However, the whole point of a strike is to make a strong point by disrupting normal working hours. Striking on weekends is pointless.

Lots o' Love, Linda 

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Vietnam Veterans Day

Vietnam Forces National Memorial, Canberra 

Today is Vietnam Veterans Day and also marks 53 years since the Battle of Long Tan. 

The Battle of Long Tan: 105 Australians and 3 New Zealanders vs. 1500-2500 Viet Cong and North Vietnamese forces. This remains as one of the most significant battles during the Vietnam War in Australian military history.

I understand the controversies around the Vietnam War and am fully aware of the poor treatment our Vietnam Veterans received after it.

I will always honour those who served and the 521 Australians who made the ultimate sacrifice. Thank you for fighting for my family's freedom.

Lest We Forget.

Lots o' Love, Linda

Sunday, July 7, 2019

Weak Ties Matter

It's powerful to surround yourself with like-minded individuals. Maintain your most nearest and dearest of friendships. Be selective of who's in your inner circle of friends.

However, I do think acquaintances are seriously undervalued. Acquaintances & casual friendships are valuable too! And have great impact on your well-being. Whether you realise it or not, your weak connections actually have some significance.

It's also necessary to be around people who have different perspectives and diversity of thoughts and experiences to help you become more open-minded and to look at the world through a different lens.

"Observe your environment, at work, at school, at home. I'm asking you to look at people around you purposefully and intentionally. Invite people into your life who don't look like you, don't think like you, don't act like you, don't come from where you come from and you might find that they will challenge your assumptions and make you grow as a person." - Mellody Hobson

Lots o' Love, Linda

Wednesday, July 3, 2019

Sometimes, Listening is the Answer

Instagram: @RUOKDay 

Shoutout to my former self for not admitting that I wasn't happy when only two of my friends asked me if I was. Damn, I was foolish back then. I really tried to convince myself that I was but couldn't bring myself to be honest.

However over the years, I have made attempts to a few people to tell them I was struggling. Some responses were straight up invalidation and dismissed my struggles (even before giving me a chance to speak).

But what really upsetted me the most was when a few other people I tried to reach out to simply suggested to "just go get a boyfriend", "get a rich husband and you won't have to worry about anything" or "get a boyfriend so you can stand there and look pretty." I kid you not, people have said that to me. It's an absolute cop out!

I know love makes the world go round but I can assure you, this is NOT the solution to your struggles. Even for someone like me who wasn't in a healthy mind space knew that.

It's been ingrained in us since at a young age that having a romantic partner is the ultimate goal and is a success indicator. Seeking a relationship to validate your worthiness while you have low self-esteem and no sense of self awareness is not the way to go. Giving someone else the responsibility to make you feel happy and secure cause you're insecure by yourself and fear being alone is pretty selfish. Defining yourself via your relationship status will lead to unnecessary problems.

Love yourself first. Self awareness is most important. We weren't taught this growing up. It's no wonder people become co-dependent and fall into toxic relationships. This applies to both genders. It's time to unlearn the whole romantic fantasy idea of being in love and empower more self love and emotional intelligence. It's absolutely crucial regardless of being in a relationship or not.

Anyways, if someone is reaching out and admitting they're struggling, most of the time, they just want you to give them a safe space for them to talk and for you to listen without judgement. No need to find a solution right away. It really is that simple.

If you or anyone you know needs help. The following support services are available. Contact: 


Lots o' Love, Linda

Tuesday, July 2, 2019

Tired of being strong, please let me be weak for a minute

When I recently opened up to two separate key people in my life about my depression, both never saw it coming nor had any suspicions. For some reason, I didn't think I was disguising it THAT well. I guess it was cause for the most part, I continued to get dressed, go to work, put on makeup, eat regularly, leave the house, go to places, keep in touch with loved ones but at the same time, my mind was deadass disordered. Most of my symptoms appeared behind closed doors away from the world to see.

And then it starts showing up externally. My performance was slipping but it was mistaken as laziness. My lack of communication and socialising was mistaken for being busy. Just goes to show how prevalent high functioning depression is and how easily it is to overlook possible warning signs, cause for the most part, it's harder to detect.

Those who are dealing with high functioning depression usually look like they have it all together on the surface. They carry on with work, socialise and get things done but mentally, they're struggling, big time. Eg: celebrities.

Allow this to prompt you to check in with all your loved ones (yourself included)! Don't wait till R U OK? Day 12 September 2019 to start a conversation! And most importantly, listen. 

And definitely see your doctor. I've learned more about myself and mental health since the start of my healing journey with a professional than a few YouTube videos from influencers with 1 million followers sharing their experiences and suggestions, cause our life experiences and how we respond to things are all different. And don't forget, depression ain't the only mental health disorder!

If you or anyone you know needs help. The following support services are available. Contact: 


Lots o' Love, Linda